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LVR Soccer Club

Youth Rec Soccer for Northeast Seattle

Coaching Overview

LVR values Coaches as our most important resource. This section provides information for coaches regarding coach registration, coaching conduct, equipment, and other resources provided for coaches.

Why Coach Youth Soccer? 

Can you recall a coach that has had an impact on your life? Maybe they inspired you or taught you a life lesson.  Coaches have the power to leave a lasting impact on our lives and they play an important role in the development of so many - especially regarding sportsmanship and commitment.  Coaching is a roller coaster filled with highs and lows. It can be incredibly rewarding one day and totally defeating the next. 

At LVR, soccer coaches do not need to have experience coaching and we do not require that coaches be certified.  You can be a successful soccer coach if you have the desire and interest in working with a team.  It helps to know the game of soccer.  Many LVR coaches played soccer growing up, but for most, coaching in LVR is the first coaching opportunity. Successful coaches are those that love to teach and have a lot of patience. Below you will find information about how to become a soccer coach in LVR.  Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions. 

Coach Registration Steps

Any individual intending to be a coach, assistant coach, and/or team manager with an LVR soccer team must be registered (including background check).  Coaches and managers need to make sure to complete the following steps as part of the coach registration process: 


SUBMIT TEAM FORM:  To help facilitate the registration process, we ask that every returning coach submit a "Team Form" to the respective registrar. Returning coaches should check with their players to get an idea of how many returning players are expected to return.  Coaches of new U7 teams can also send in a Team Form to help the registrars assign your players.   Please note that registrars have the final say in assigning players to recreational soccer teams. 

The kids cannot play if we don't have people like you stepping forward to coach. Coaching is rewarding, exhilarating, exhausting, and a great way to be involved in your kids' athletic experiences. We all have the ability to be good coaches, so the key is to relax and have fun with it.

Coaching Conduct

LVR expects that coaches will model good sportsmanship at practices and games, treating all players with respect. As a recreational program, LVR coaches are expected to provide equal playing time to all players, regardless of ability.  Winning is not the only objective.  Coaches are encouraged to allow players to play different positions and to focus on having fun. Finally, coaches should not actively recruit players to teams. The LVR registrar has the final say in player assignments.

Coaching Level of Commitment

As a recreational coach for LVR, you will have the opportunity to run practices and coach your team in games. The commitment level varies, but coaches can typically expect to hold 1 one-hour practice per week for House League teams. At the City League level, coaches can run 2 practices per week that are typically 60 or 75 minutes each.  Coaches typically organize practices in the evening after work depending on the date/time/field that works best for the team. 

While LVR provides practice plans and other coaching resources, you will be the one running the practices and managing the games.  In the past, some teams have pooled resources to hire a local UW student or other coach to run practices for the teams, but most of the practices are run by volunteer LVR coaches. Games are held on the weekends.

One facet of coaching or managing the team involve parent communication. We expect our volunteers to communicate with their teams so that everyone knows the plan for practice and games.  Starting in 2022,  coaches will have additional resources available - such as a Sports Connect App - to help facilitate this part of the process.

Player Eligibility & Assignments

  • Players returning from the previous Fall season need to register before the deadline in order to guarantee a spot on the same team.

  • Players can only play on one SYSA recreational team (ex. LVR, Woodland Soccer Club, Ballard Soccer Club, etc.).

  • Seattle United select players are now permitted on recreational teams, but the number of select players is typically capped at no more than 2 per team.  LVR registrars do not have visibility into players registered with other select programs - including Emerald City and Celtic. LVR club policy on Celtic player is that no more than half the team can be registered with Celtic.  Teams with a number of players from Celtic should look to move up a level.  Please check with your LVR registrar for questions. We want to encourage friends playing with friends, but also need to balance competition.

  • New players are placed on teams by the Registrars and take into account placement requests. Many requests conflict, however, and it is also necessary to balance team sizes and to place kids from folding teams. Spring players that did not play on the team last Fall are considered new players.

  • Players are not eligible for game play until their age has been verified: registrars will contact coaches prior to the start of the fall season about any unverified players.

Rules & Officiating

  • Referees for House League (U7-U9) games (players ages 6-8) are assigned through LVR and do not require certification. House League play involves small-sided games with three to five players on the field with no scores or standings. The duty of the referee (or Game Coordinator) is primarily to stop play for fouls as well as provide instruction to players on how the game is played. The ideal Game Coordinator is at least 3 years older than the players (so age 9+), but exceptions are always considered.
  • Referees for City League (U10 and older) are supplied by Seattle Soccer Referee Association (SSRA). If a referee does not show up, the coach of the home team should attempt to enlist a volunteer (parent or appropriately aged youth) and confirm that the coach of the visiting team agrees with the arrangement. The coach of the home team should also report the score to the SYSA by email or phone after the game.

Equipment & Uniforms

  • LVR game jerseys, game ball, pinnies, cones, and a ball bag are provided to the coach or team manager at the beginning of the fall season as needed. Equipment can be kept and used for future seasons, or returned to the LVR if they are no longer needed.  LVR typically provides new jerseys to House League players each year.  Starting at U10, new jerseys are provided every other year.  For City League teams, LVR also provides a training shirt.  Players are required to provide shorts, socks, shinguards, and shoes.  Molded cleats are recommended, but not required. 

Contact Us

LVR Soccer Club

P.O. Box 15923 
Seattle, Washington 98115

Email: [email protected]

LVR Soccer Club

P.O. Box 15923 
Seattle, Washington 98115

Email: [email protected]
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